Brazil – change of strategy against Covid
If, on the one hand, the government shows its inability to lead Brazilians towards overcoming the crisis, on the other, an impressive humanitarian network is being woven.
A new person-nature relationship
Once again, we felt powerless. A question arises: Are we incapable of controlling nature and safeguarding it?
Doctor balances faith, work in coronavirus hotspot
It has put my faith to fiery tests. Especially the fear of death. It becomes a very real possibility when you see so much death around you.
Experience of health professionals
The experience of doctors in Italy has contributed to the preparation of WHO’s guidance on preparedness, prevention and control of COVID-19 in prisons and other places of detention.
Call For Putting Covid 19 Vaccine on Public Domain
As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc across the globe, research into finding an effective vaccine continues, both in the pharmaceutical industry and in public research.
Not Dying Alone — Modern Compassionate Care
in the Covid-19 Pandemic. Dr. Wakam: I’m 5 hours into my ICU shift at a community hospital in Detroit when the results of another arterial blood gas return. My patient has been hospitalized for 3 days and is Covid-19–positive. Over the past 12
Complex disability: model of choice and empowerment of the person
In two recent events, people with disabilities have been in the spotlight: the Paralympic Games in Rio and the fashion show of a Japanese designer. The first has made known to the public life stories and sports of great value;
Between the doctor, patient and guardian
The doctor-patient relationship, as has been extensively analysed, is the foundation of medical action even in end-of-life care. As the disease worsens, a doctor is asked to discuss and disclose the difficult decisions to be made
Communication and relationships in medicine: state of the art
There have been few changes in the life of man as profound as those which have happened in the biomedical sciences and in medical practice in the last few decades.
The art of letting go
A mother journeys with her addict son. Here’s her story. My son’s drug addiction started around the time he finished high school. Both my husband and I had never done drugs, so at the beginning we were very naïve.
Staying positive, despite the egos
Facing fights about academic authorship. I work as a scientist in the agriculture division of a university. Throughout my years pursuing a science degree, and now a science career in academia, I have always found it challenging to live the spirituality of unity,
A burst of advocacy
Despite the complexity of plastic waste disposal, young people seek solutions and take action. I’m a third-year college student who has signed up for far too many classes this semester — and therefore, an avid iced coffee drinker.
The identity of the person with dementia
Nearly 50 million people worldwide suffer from dementia. According to current forecasts, by the year 2050, this figure will have tripled.
From interrelationship to reciprocity: its implications in the medical sphere
We have reflected on the importance of communication and the art of interrelating in Medicine. My task now is to talk about the significance and value of reciprocity. It is our conviction that knowing how to communicate and to enter into a relationship with another – whether this person is a colleague, a health worker, a patient or his/her relatives – requires a step farther: to arrive at a reciprocal relationship.
The role of spirituality for the patient and the care team
In all traditions, medicine is seen as a gift of the Divine or of a Divinity. The oath of Hippocrates already attests this. Medicine calls for a profound transformation of the sick person, anactual conversion, that is, the healing of the body. When thistakes place, it is in practice the consequence of the healing of the soul obtained through purification, a catharsis that may bemore or less long.In this therapeutic scenario the reestablishment of a spiritual relationship with the divine brings one back to normality, that is to health.