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- Written by HDC
- Hits: 1803
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- Written by Zenadia da Silva
- Hits: 1716
The Global Festival on "Buen Vivir for People and the Planet”: after two years of a pandemic, which has highlighted the inequalities and unmet needs of so many communities around the world – from health care to ecology, from economics to education – the proposal of a meeting is born to highlight the stories of excluded and forgotten communities, suggest proposals and solutions for inclusion, empowerment and solidarity.
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- Written by Linda Bordoni
- Hits: 1744
An online webinar from 9 to 11 February organized by the Pontifical Academy for Life is part of its project to improve the dissemination of palliative care in the world.
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- Written by Associazione Igino Giordani di Bari
- Hits: 6249
WEBINAR GRATUITO venerdì 11 febbraio 2022 dalle ore 17,30 alle ore 19,30. “La relazione che cura 2: IL DOPO” Oltre la malattia, la salute che nasce dalla relazione.” L’Associazione Igino Giordani di Bari in collaborazione con Health Dialogue Culture , Umanità Nuova Puglia e Basilicata, Movimento dei Focolari di Bari, ASD Nordic Walking Apulia Lifestyle, UìTogether
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- Written by Mariagrazia Arneodo
- Hits: 2302
The first of the 5 articles that make up the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) articulates: "... to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity".
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- Written by Team di FROM NOW ON
- Hits: 7572
quarto appuntamento del 6 MAGGIO sarà la volta dell’Ecologia, Medicina e Psicologia. From Now On, a course designed by young people for young people, bringing together different generations to understand together how to face daily challenges, including ecology, medicine and psychology. LANGUAGE: ITALIANO | TIME: 21:00 (UTC+2) Link
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- Written by Zenadia da Silva
- Hits: 8656
Seminario Sabato 14 marzo 2020 | Orario 09.30-13.00 | TRENTO - ITALIA. La spiritualità di Chiara Lubich che ha come scopo la fraternità universale richiede a ciascuno di contribuire a realizzarla nel rapporto quotidiano con quanti si incontrano.
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- Written by Zenadia da Silva
- Hits: 3095
This Australasian Symposium aims to bring people together who are involved in, associated with or interested in end of life care and decision making.
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- Written by Zenadia da Silva
- Hits: 9463
CONGRES INTERNATIONAL | 22-25 Novembre 2019 AFRIQUE - République démocratique du Congo
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- Written by HDC
- Hits: 2949
A school for young health professionals in Loppiano, 6 - 9 October. We are waiting for you!
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- Written by Mariagrazia Arneodo
- Hits: 4638
The doctor-patient relationship, as has been extensively analysed, is the foundation of medical action even in end-of-life care. As the disease worsens, a doctor is asked to discuss and disclose the difficult decisions to be made
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- Written by HDC
- Hits: 11398
Sociétés multi-ethniques et pratiques médicales.Perspectives anthropologiques et ethnographiques de la médecine occidentale et africaine.
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- Written by HDC
- Hits: 4188
27th to 30th September 2018. Registration. If you are a young healthcare professional or a medical or biomedical student, you may probably be asking yourself these same questions as we do while we work in the health field:
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- Written by HDC
- Hits: 9796
PISA - Maggio 2018
Seminario per specializzandi e studenti del VI anno del Corso di Laurea:
L'Informazione e la comunicazione in medicina
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- Written by Flavia Caretta
- Hits: 4458
In all traditions, medicine is seen as a gift of the Divine or of a Divinity. The oath of Hippocrates already attests this. Medicine calls for a profound transformation of the sick person, anactual conversion, that is, the healing of the body. When thistakes place, it is in practice the consequence of the healing of the soul obtained through purification, a catharsis that may bemore or less long.In this therapeutic scenario the reestablishment of a spiritual relationship with the divine brings one back to normality, that is to health.
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- Hits: 3631
“A really good liver” I remember when I was a medical student the excitement of going round the wards with a keen doctor who would take us to feel a “really good spleen” or listen to an “interesting cardiac murmur”. Like my fellow students in our new, pristine white coats, I was very excited. However, something in me rebelled and a little voice said, “This isn’t quite right”. It was not that we did not greet the patient, ask permission to examine and do all that medical etiquette and politeness required
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- Hits: 3552
Evolution of medicine and of the hospital. Through the centuries, the European hospital has gone through a real metamorphosis.
Starting from the “Hospitalis Domus”, the house where guests were received during the first centuries of our era, the hospital was primarily the place where Christian charity was exercised through all ages.
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- Written by GABRIELE M.
- Hits: 3618
I am specialised in anaesthesia and I have other specialisations in pain therapy, acupuncture and palliative medicine. I work with 5 colleagues in a specialised medical surgery. (In Germany the national health system has two branches: hospitals and medical clinics/surgeries). Our clinic for pain therapy and palliative medicine, is the biggest medical surgery for the therapy of chronic pain in Germany.
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- Hits: 3622
Right from the beginning of my professional career, it was very clear for me that the patient had to occupy centre stage. As I practised medicine, I understood that this preference had to be translated into practical choices, which were sometimes small but nonetheless fundamental.
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- Written by ANNA FRATTA
- Hits: 3885
We have reflected on the importance of communication and the art of interrelating in Medicine. My task now is to talk about the significance and value of reciprocity.
It is our conviction that knowing how to communicate and to enter into a relationship with another – whether this person is a colleague, a health worker, a patient or his/her relatives – requires a step farther: to arrive at a reciprocal relationship.