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- Written by Daniel Boyle
- Hits: 3562
Mandating vaccines for health care workers appears to be a convenient way to limit spread of infection. However, these techniques, especially in flu vaccination, can lead to a false sense of security. They can overshadow and replace other very effective practices to control spread of infection. Mandated vaccines have the potential to cause serious adverse health effects for individuals, and alienate employees from their employment.
This presentation will challenge the medical community to apply the principles of personalized medicine to help avoid and even eliminate “collateral damage” in vaccination campaigns.
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- Written by Daniel Boyle
- Hits: 4926
Eliminate collateral damage
Bring personalized medicine to mass vaccinations
Mandating vaccines for health care workers appears to be a convenient way to limit spread of infection. However, these techniques, especially in flu vaccination, can lead to a false sense of security. They can overshadow and replace other very effective practices to control spread of infection. Mandated vaccines have the potential to cause serious adverse health effects for individuals, and alienate employees from their employment.
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- Written by Monika Windsor
- Hits: 4494
We are created to live. The wish to LIVE seems to be rooted in our genes. Human beings may have no real perception of DEATH. But throughout human history there have been many expectations and hopes of what will happen after death. As human beings we are strongly dependent on each other
People approaching death can delay decease so as to allow relatives time to accept the inevitable.
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- Written by Monika Windsor
- Hits: 3808
What the beginning and end of life have in common
Clarify important things beforehand.
Things become unimportant that previously were important.
Select the place, the method of care, a companion.
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- Written by Ursula Danner
- Hits: 5091
A proactive design of self-regulatory programs is of strong public interest as it can contribute to legitimising the value of therapeutic services to insurance agencies and public entities.
The European Region of the World Confederation of Physiotherapy presented 2002/3 Core Standards for Physiotherapy Practice (CS) with their Patient Feedback questionnaire (PFQ). Inter alia, these standards were developed as tools to analyze the interaction between physiotherapist and patient.
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- Written by Ann-Marie Diggins
- Hits: 4897
Care-A Person-Centered Primary Health Care Response.In this presentation I will highlight the importance of a person-centered approach in engaging vulnerable urban Australian Aboriginal patients in primary health care. I will draw on my experience as a general practitioner working within a team in a Multidisciplinary Community Health Service which serves a relatively high proportion of urban Aboriginal Australians in its catchment area. Many of the challenges faced can be seen to relate to globalisation- the human story of migration over the millennia, and in the Australian context over the past 250 years- with its continuing impact on the local indigenous peoples.
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- Written by Fernanda B. Morrone
- Hits: 4674
The significant enhance in the elderly population has contributed to the increase in drug use, making necessary a re-evaluation in the health status of this population. The large number of prescription drugs, as well as the understanding of the prescription may be factors associated with noncompliance and with the worsening health of the elderly. The medical prescription guides drug utilization and, hence, should contain as much information as possible to avoid doubts at the time of medication administration.
Visualizza il documento in pdf
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- Written by Mabel Aghadiuno
- Hits: 4912
London 2012 was home to the thirtieth summer Olympic Games. One July evening like millions of others all over the globe I watched the spectacular opening ceremony. At this ceremony, the hosting country showcases what it considers to be its pride and joy – a gem to show off to the whole planet. At a certain point during that glitzy evening, a bevy of beds appeared in the stadium. Pyjama-clad children jumped on them while “nurses” and “doctors” danced cheerily around. It portrayed Great Ormond Street Hospital and was a tribute to the NHS – the National Health Service.
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- Written by Ann-Marie Diggins
- Hits: 5423
Engaging Urban Aboriginal Australians in Health Care
A Person-Centered Primary Health Care Response
In this presentation I will highlight the importance of a person-centered approach in engaging vulnerable urban Australian Aboriginal patients in primary health care. I will draw on my experience as a general practitioner working within a team in a Multidisciplinary Community Health Service which serves a relatively high proportion of urban Aboriginal Australians in its catchment area. Many of the challenges faced can be seen to relate to globalisation- the human story of migration over the millennia, and in the Australian context over the past 250 years- with its continuing impact on the local indigenous peoples.
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- Written by Zenadia da Silva
- Hits: 5583
Where is Medicine going? Challenges of Globalisation, Sustainability, Patient-Centred Care
Padua, 18th-19th October 2013
Aula Morgagni, University Hospital
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- Written by Zenadia da Silva
- Hits: 4349
medical professionalism
health: does it belong to everyone or to the priviledged few?
global health and health determinants
the challenges of health care in a globalised world
are we limited by resources? the challenge of the welfare state
how to reconcile the quality of health care with our limited resources
choosing wisely: doing more is not always doing better
waiting lists: the local justice criterion
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- Written by Zenadia da Silva
- Hits: 5469
We are extending the deadline for submission of abstracts: the new deadline is 15 september 2013!
The Scientific Committee of the Congress welcomes FREE COMMUNICATIONS.
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- Written by Zenadia da Silva
- Hits: 5085
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- Written by Zenadia da Silva
- Hits: 5049
We have booked a wide number of rooms for this Conference in several hotels. All reservations must be made by the participants themselves contacting the hotel directly; please DO NOT USE THE HOTEL ON-LINE BOOKING FORM but write an e-mail or fax reporting the conference title "Where is Medicine going?" when booking.
Please note that early booking is necessary; these special rates are guaranteed only by (see hotel details). After that the hotel is free to sell his rooms at its usual commercial rates.
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- Written by Zenadia da Silva
- Hits: 4371
The name badge issued to delegates on registration serves as an admission pass to all scientific sessions, coffee breaks and lunch. Delegates are asked to ensure that they wear their name badges at all times.
The official languages of the Congress will be Italian and English. Simultaneous translation will be available.
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- Written by Zenadia da Silva
- Hits: 5035
By car: A4 highway (Milano-Venezia), Padova Ovest exit. A13 highway (Bologna-Padova), Padova Sud exit.
By train: Padova railway station. Direct railway connections with the national network: Milan, Bologna, and Venice.
By plane: International airport "Marco Polo" at Tessera (10 km from Venice)
Airport "Valerio Catullo" at Villafranca (Verona)
Treviso airport
Airport Shuttle Service: www.airservicepadova.it ; www.landomas.it
Information links:
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- Written by Zenadia da Silva
- Hits: 4847
Probably better known as the city of St. Anthony or as the economic capital of Veneto, Padua is one of the most important art cities in Italy. An ancient legend goes that the Greek hero Antenor was the founder of the town. The historical Padua was actually founded over 3000 years ago, during the Paleoveneti age, in a loop of the river Brenta. In the 4th century b.C. it became the most important centre of the ancient Veneti people. Allied to the Romans against the Gauls and since 49 b.C. a municipium, Patavium was one of the most flourishing towns of the Roman Empire.